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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

simply smarter

This summer we are moving to HOUSTON!
We are always on the move, so this isn't a huge dramatic thing for us, but Texas is pretty rad and I'm pumped!

This leads me to throw in a plug for my husband's company...
Vivint (means live intelligently) has transformed from merely a home security company to advanced technology in home automation and energy savings, including solar panels. This video is pretty funny that shows some of the cool, newer features compatible with smart phones to control your home:

Cute right? =)
We've been with this company since we got married (almost 4 years ago!) and it's been an amazing experience. While it's been great financially, we've also gotten to see many parts of the country that we otherwise wouldn't have.

If you are interested in a fun and unique job experience, or know someone who is, please email me at It's good for you, it's good for us... as long as potentials have a clean record and know how to work hard! In a down economy with low employment rates, good jobs are hard to find. But Vivint is expanding even outside the U.S., and offers great employment opportunity regardless of your age, where you live, or what stage of your life you happen to be in.

FURTHER, if you are in the market for an alarm system or any of the other features, check out vivint and email me =)

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