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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DIY lucite!

I'm not really shy about my love for lucite. I still yearn to own some big piece of furniture that I can see right through. I have a kind of bad problem, where I get really into small accessories- which can look cluttered and cheap. I just love a cute bowl or figurine or something of the sort, and my latest obsession is trays. But hey at least they serve a purpose! (Well, kinda...I'm sure my husband would look at em and think it's the most pointless thing ever.)

I'm very much in love with these.. But they're not cheap! Dabney Lee sells em for like $200, and you can find em on etsy at around $70, which is better.. K I get that they're very trendy, and they have awesome patterns on the bottom, but hello isn't this just a piece of plastic?! Okay, acrylic. Lucite. Whatever.

 SO I want one, but can't have one cuz it's too expensive. A girl's not going to go without! So I did a little research.. CB2 carries lucite trays for $40. Personally I think that it'd be worth it, but I just wanted a project to do, and was being a cheap-o that day so I kept looking and found a tip that the Container Store carries a smaller version in their bathroom department but they are NOT online on their website.
Well thank goodness I live in St Louis where I could drive on over and buy one! 20 bucks! It's a mini, but it'll do...
Here's my lil baby tray (sorry about the weirdo lighting.. wtf?), and you may recall my post about my notecard find.. I love the pattern and colors on it (matches NOTHING in my empty white temporary apartment here, but it makes me happy!) I just taped some notecards together because it happened to be the perfect width.
Now I just slipped the notecards underneath so you get the picture, but that's not a good permanent solution obviously. When I move back home, I imagine I'll laminate it, then cut it and insert it inside so it looks like it was printed on there... I dunno, hopefully that's how it turns out anyway.
All jazzed up! Just using what I had on hand, the tray can function as a little corral for perfume, or a catch-all for keys, change and whatnot in an entryway. 
That "vase" may or may not be a tumbler for toothbrushes. And I may or may not have been using it before this as a makeup brush holder.. I needed a prop! And I love props with multi-purpose =)
No it's not fancy schmancy with my initials monogrammed on it like the above "real lucite trays" but for $20, I'll take it.
Oh! And I also messed around with some cute wrapping paper I had.. the possibilities are endless with these bad boys. Change it with the seasons!

 On an unrelated note, me and some amigas headed to a delicious cupcake bar here in St Louis yesterday. I've been craving these succulent little treats, but what I realized is that I like the idea of fancy cupcakes more than the actual thing. I was slightly disappointed but we still had fun.
Jilly's Cupcake Bar was on Food Network's Cupcake Wars and won something or other, so I guess it's famous now.
 Well they certainly look delicious right?!

Malia, Paityn, and me.. the three little piggies. lol jk


  1. I am so going back to the container store and buying some!

  2. I love your tray! Those notecards are fabulous!


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