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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Okay so we're not talking about the male variety of Chippendales, unfortunately, but it makes me giggle to think that this image popped up at you, I hope your husband was right there too, to make for something a little awkward. Or your mom. Or pastor/bishop/neighbor.

ANYWHO..... spotlight's on the CHINESE variety of chippendales, and i totally love them. Just a little history for ya, these were named after the English designer Thomas Chippendale in the 18th century. Nothing to do with lap dances or the Thunder Down Under.
I've become quite the fan of chinoiserie, who hasn't? Too bad it's not cheap..

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! Super cool post! I can even imagine one of those boys making a show with one of the iconic chairs, that would be cool indeed! Huge Hug for you! (Haha and a tip for the guy with the nice biceps above) XoXo :)


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