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Thursday, September 15, 2011

holy ship!

* side note- thanks for the comments on here and facebook about my housing dilemmas & .. Especially anonymous- my husband and I totally agree with your advice =)

SOOOO i love a good makeover and this one i have to pass along...
So first things first, I love repainted dressers.. they're becoming pretty common so you gotta do something unique to wow me!

Lindsey from betterafter is the funniest person I've blog-stalked. This is from her blog (check that link to the real source).
An already awesome dresser for a boys room....
But then paint on a SHIP!
So cute, I wish I was this artistic

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome!
    About the house hunting- we put in 5 bids and got our 6th one. By the time we bid on our current house, we weren't really even thinking anymore but we are SOOO glad about what we ended up with. I really believe everything happens for a reason. You have incredible taste and style, that paying a little less and tailoring the home project by project until it meets your taste is the way to go. You end up with lass mortgage payment and more savings to pay for fun home improvement projects. The most importatnt thing to keep in mind is space, I think. Closets, storage, family room, and laundry were my musts. Everything else could be 'tweaked' later. Best of luck!


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